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Komyo Reiki

Usui Mikao Sensei (1865—1926), the founder of Reiki Ryoho, attained enlightenment and received a gift of healing in 1922 while fasting and meditating on Mt. Kumara in Japan.  He choose to share this gift with others and taught over two thousand students this healing method he named Reiki. The Reiki Healing Method or Reiki Ryoho involves channeling the energy of the universe to heal oneself and others.

          Komyo Reiki, translated “Enlightenment Reiki”, is Reiki as it was practiced in Japan before the second world war. The purpose of Komyo Reiki, in part, is to promote a wider spread of Reiki hands on healing and to live a healthy and peaceful daily life benefited by Reiki practice. The  ultimate objective is to obtain “the absolute inner peace” in the terms of Usui Sensei.

Komyo Reiki is taught in four levels: Shoden, Chuden, Okuden and Shinpiden.

Shoden (1st degree) focuses on self healing – me first – health/ happiness. Hand positions are given for self healing. Students are encouraged to wait until they feel ready to move on to level two.

Chuden (2nd degree) focuses on practitioner training (healing others) - you and I – health/happiness. Standard hand positions are not given – there were no standard hand positions in Usui Sensei’s day. Three symbols are taught at this level including a symbol that empowers the student to do distant healing.  Usui Sensei did not use symbols, he did not need them, but his students did.

Okuden (3rd degree) focuses on Inner Teaching (spiritual development) – Peace and prosperity. The focus is on spiritual transformation; it is the doorway to a new and deeper way of life.

Shinpiden (4th or Teacher’s degree) focuses on the realization of “Anshin Ritsumei” or spiritual enlightenment. It also teaches students to perform Reiju (empowerment or “attunements”) and to teach all levels of Komyo Reiki.

The major difference between Komyo Reiki and the westernized Usui Reiki is one of emphasis. In Komyo Reiki the initial emphasis is on self healing. Only after a time of working with the energy, and healing oneself, does the student move on to the second level and practitioner training. In the more familiar Usui Reiki, the emphasis is on practitioner training. Students are taught to give sessions to themselves and others in the first class.

Japanese Reiki is now being incorporated into the basic workshops so Komyo Reiki is not being offered separately.

For additional information on Komyo Reiki, you are invited to give Margaret a call.

          Margaret E. Dexter, Reiki Master Teacher, has studied with Inamoto Sensei, founder of Komyo Reiki.
is certified to teach all levels of Komyo Reiki.
Check the Workshop Schedule for upcoming Workshops.

Margaret E. Dexter, Ph.D.
Reiki Master/Teacher, Animal Communicator
     and Certified Spiritual Counselor

1175 Pineville Rd. #124 • Chattanooga, TN 37405
Phone: 423-266-6006 | Email: Click here
Office Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 10 AM to 6 PM , Saturday 10 AM to 3 PM Eastern time

Copyright © 2013 Margaret E Dexter.  Reiki Chattanooga, Dexter Creations, and their licensors. All rights reserved.
This entire website copyrighted

Disclaimer: The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Margaret Dexter, unless otherwise noted. Individual guest articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. This information is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified pet health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Margaret Dexter and her community. Margaret encourages you to make your own pet health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified pet health care professional.

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Last modified: 01/30/2013