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Book a Consultation with Margaret

Consultations with Margaret Dexter

Margaret is a Certified Spiritual Counselor as well as a Reiki Master / Teacher, Animal Communicator and Akashic Record Reader. Book a one hour session with Margaret below and she will tailor your call to your needs in either an in person or phone session.

Animal Reiki and Animal Communication are available as remote healing.

Reiki Sessions

Reiki Sessions are appropriate for animals and their humans.  Reiki sessions for humans may be in person or as remote healing. Animal Reiki sessions are done remotely. Click here for additional information on Reiki Sessions.

Remote Reiki sessions are 30 minutes in length and cost $50. These sessions do not involve a phone call. We establish a time when you can be relaxed and ready for your session and you receive it at that time. Remote Reiki Sessions are appropriate for humans and animals. One hour remote sessions including a phone call are also available.

If you are registering for Remote Healing for your animals, please submit one or at most two pictures of your animal or animals if possible. The forms are not required for remote healing but I do need the animal or animals names and pictures (max of 2) are helpful.

If you are registering for an in person Reiki session, you may wish to download the Human Questionnaire or the shorter Human Client Form instead if there are no major physical issues. You will be asked to complete the appropriate form when you arrive for an in person session and you may do this in advance to save time during your session.

Animal Communication Sessions

Animal Communication sessions are done by phone and are usually an hour in length. A 30 minute follow up session may be scheduled by permission. Check with Margaret before scheduling a 30 minute session. Click here for additional information on Animal Communication.

Please complete a copy of the Animal Questionnaire for each animal and the Human Questionnaire for yourself. Because our animals frequently mirror our issues, please submit a questionnaire for yourself even if you only want me to work with your animals. Please only submit one copy of the last page. Also submit one or at most two pictures of each animal by email or by mail.

The forms are PDF files that require the free  Adobe Reader. Don't have it? You can get it here.

Please download the questionnaires and fax them to 423-266-3384 or mail them to the address below.
It is not possible to complete and submit the questionnaires online.

Akashic Record Soul Reading Sessions

Akashic Record sessions are done by phone and are an hour in length. If you are registering for the initial Akashic Record Soul Reading session, please phone or email Margaret your birth name and date of birth prior to the session. Click here for additional information on Akashic Record Soul Readings.

Confused? Call Margaret to discuss your session and schedule a time that works for both of you.

Sessions are usually scheduled on Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday. After purchasing your session contact Margaret to schedule your session.

Cancellation Policy: You re paying for Margaret's time. Sessions may be rescheduled with at least 48 hours notice allowing Margaret to offer the time to someone else. If you cancel at the last minute or are a "no show" you are expected to pay for the session.

There are two ways to pay for your session:

1. Pay by check or credit card using PayPal™. 

Please select the appropriate length and type of session. Margaret will contact you to schedule your session.

Please select length and type of session

 2. If you prefer not to pay online, you may mail your check with the appropriate form(s) and pictures to the address at the bottom of the page.

In person sessions may be paid at the time of the session. Payment is expected in advance for distant healing and phone sessions including all animal sessions.

NO SHOWS AND CANCELLATIONS POLICY: Your scheduled appointment purchases my time. If you don't show up for your appointment, you still owe me for my time. If you need to reschedule, please give me a minimum of 48 hours  notice so that I can offer your time to someone else. Thank you, Margaret

You may request your session by email or phone if you prefer. Look below  for contact information.

Margaret E. Dexter, Ph.D.
Reiki Master/Teacher, Animal Communicator
     and Certified Spiritual Counselor

1175 Pineville Rd. #124 • Chattanooga, TN 37405
Phone: 423-266-6006 | Email: Click here
Office Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 10 AM to 6 PM , Saturday 10 AM to 3 PM Eastern time


Copyright © 2014 Margaret E Dexter.  Reiki Chattanooga, Dexter Creations, and their licensors. All rights reserved.
This entire website copyrighted

Disclaimer: The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Margaret Dexter, unless otherwise noted. Individual guest articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. This information is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified pet health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Margaret Dexter and her community. Margaret encourages you to make your own pet health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified pet health care professional.

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Last modified: 01/13/2014